【対象年齢 Age】満1歳からの3歳までの未就園児
入会費 Entrance Fee |
¥22,000/入会時 |
施設維持費 Materials Fee |
¥16,500/ 年1回 |
授業費 Tuition Fee |
¥36,300〜¥82,500 (週数、時間、月齢によって異なります) |
独自のLALA CURRICULUMをベースとして、様々なActivityに挑戦していきます。
Children between the ages of 12 months to 3 years old can enroll for Preschool classes.
We provide different activities each day based on our curriculum.
Parents can choose to enroll their child anywhere from twice a week to five days a week.